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Hayride at Jersey Farm

The beginning of the first fall we have seen in four years. This time of year also makes me think of Joni Mitchell's song, "Urge for Going": I awoke today and found the frost perched on the town It hovered in a frozen sky, then it gobbled summer down When the sun turns traitor cold And all trees are shivering in a naked row I get the urge for going but I never seem to go I get the urge for going When the meadow grass is turning brown Summertime is falling down and winter is closing in I had me a man in summertime He had summer-colored skin And not another girl in town My darling's heart could win But when the leaves fell on the ground And bully winds came around pushed them face down in the snow He got the urge for going and I had to let him go He got the urge for going When the meadow grass was turning brown And summertime was falling down and winter was closing in Now the warriors of winter they gave a cold triumphant shout And all that s
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My 2013 published legal guide contains many strategies for protesters and those exercising their rights of free speech, assembly and more!

Brand New book by Rebecca Taylor, released on the Fourth of July: GUNS DON'T OWN US/A!

Seven years ago I resolved to do my best part to fight gun violence. I was just finishing my second published book with the American Bar Association when 20 first graders and 6 of their teachers were massacred at Sandy Hook. I added a chapter to Civil Rights Litigation: Representing Plaintiffs Today dedicated to them. But that was not enough for me, and in the years since I have spent many hours pondering how to approach this issue. In thinking about why we as a country are so deadlocked on it, I thought about some of the problems with the term "gun control." Not only is this term very divisive in itself, but I think it misses the main problem. It is more a problem of guns controlling us, not the other way around. If we stop guns from controlling us, we will then stop them from controlling our country. Hence the title: Guns Don't Control US/A. This is an evolving issue. And 2020 has already changed the course of history, as it ushered in a devastating wor

Jimmy - 2/1/20

I dreamed of my Jimmy last night.  It was one of those dreams where it was all a mistake.  He hadn't really died.  He was at some nursing home and they were trying to find him for me.  Then in another part of the dream he was running around randomly spraying a hose.  Being that goofy Jimmy that he was.  I was hiding from him, terrified.  Then he popped up in front of me and sprayed some in my face, and I just laughed.  I hugged him hard.  Then in another part of the dream I was lying with him on the floor of the den in my grandparents' house, where sometimes I would just fall asleep in contentment.  I was leaning against my Jimmy.  I could feel myself leaning against him.  Then I woke up and saw I was leaning against the big pillow instead. Wow I love you Jimmy.  Always will.  Never was anyone like you before, nor will there ever be again.  This was not my first "it was all a mistake" dream.  I guess I'm still shocked that you're not here.  I am so


so burnt out looking to socialize i take a few sips of the libation my senses heighten i just listen to the sounds of the room frenetic chatter all around me right next to me within inches of me the drink feels like my only friend that's how i know i'm going into a dark tunnel triggering all the worst in me people jabbering on like robots not talking to let people in but to keep people out like me how different this is from the days i wandered through Demarest Hall at Rutgers vibrations all around were pulling me in urging me to make merry with them with no alcohol in sight just love proliferating.... everyone was welcome everyone was celebrated and then there was tonight the chattering all around me me just sitting there invisible i tried to reach out tried to connect tried to feel like it felt when there was no barrier just acceptance no judgment but they turned away back to the safety of their own whatever that means so i put a stop to it i put my drink on the bar i walked


There were so many days where Jane was at the top of the world.   The day she hit the solo perfectly in the band competition junior year, down in Myrtle Beach.  One of the cool girls came up to Jane afterwards and said "Way to have grace under pressure!" The day she found out she made the varsity team on cross-country, after lagging behind the pack for so long... Many days at the summer camp, where she was enveloped in hugs, where she heard the sound of her bassoon blending perfectly with the woodwind quintet, when she sat in the CIT lounge with Mike, holding his hand and feeling new tingles all through her body... The night when she snuck the car to drive over fifty miles to see one of Mike's school concerts, then before he left his lips touched hers for the first time, setting her afire... Many days and nights where she roamed the college campus with friends, never having known a full social life before - constant knocks on door, phone ringing, girl

"Do not pity the dead..."

My son and I had read the first three Harry Potter books together a few years ago.  I had also seen the first two movies in theaters.  2001 was a watershed year for me, containing many significant events in my life.  My then-fiancĂ© Jim and I went to see the first Harry Potter together, five years before our son would be born.  Jim was also excited about the soon-to-be released Lord of the Rings movie - he had read the books 12 times.  He said the books were assigned for school, which he wasn't too happy about at first, but then he really got into them. After seeing the first two movies though, I shied away from the Harry Potter series.  I could tell from the parade of headlines, previews, and news snippets I caught here and there that the story was getting more complex, grim and violent, which didn't appeal to me.  In 2011 however, just before the release of the final movie, we had a membership to Universal Studio/Islands of Adventure and frequented the newly-minted Harry P

South Beach Diet Salmon Cakes

Today I made these salmon cakes from the South Beach Diet Cookbook.  They went great on top some salad greens!