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October 10, 2024 - Keto Day 22

Day 22. And I have lost weight. The scale is going down. No exercise either! Just keto - maybe "dirty" but still a vast improvement.

I haven't been fixating on mealtimes.

I got an air fryer a few days ago. Before that I got back into using the George Forman grill almost nightly. Air fryer is great so far.

I can't even totally wrap my head around what it will be like to be trim and in shape again. It's been so long.

But even in the midst of this oppressive circumstances with the scum next door. I am rising. It's not like I was doing anything new. It's all about timing. I guess I was just ready for it. I remembered how I was doing it in 2018 and the weight was just peeling off. And then I just stopped. And weight came back.

Life will be so different. You'll get to go through the fulfilling journey again. Seeing weight melt off. Enjoying little victories along the way. Of course one is always impatient to see fast results. But I can wait. Some key components are to rein in my expectations. Reject impossible standards that many on the keto reddit have.

Some apparently believe it's only acceptable to eat whole foods only. Fine if that's their way. Some people want to be so puritanical about it. For them keto means an entire ban on processed foods too. Maybe I'll reduce processed foods eventually but this is not a sprint. It's rough sometimes to post online and be completely downvoted just for asking questions about keto but you don't owe anything to anybody. You don't answer to them. They don't control how I do things.

Probably just better to lurk.

Gonna add exercise back in too.


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